Investment Megatrends 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

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PRAISE FOR INVESTMENT MEGATRENDS "Bob speaks to our greater needs, not just our greater financial interests. It's what sets him apart. He's about a lot more than money, because with that fine mind beats an even finer heart."
—Neil Cavuto, Anchor, Fox News Channel "No one on Wall Street has done a better job of spotting investment trends than Dr. Bob?No one!"
—Lawrence Kudlow, Host of CNBC's Kudlow & Company "In a no-nonsense easy-to-understand style, Investment Megatrends steps back from the day-to-day mania of the markets, and explains how major shifts in our culture offer huge money-making opportunities. Dr. Bob is tops at showing the big picture to the small investor!"
—Brenda Buttner, Host, Bulls & Bears, Fox News Channel The author's proceeds from this book are being donated to R.I.S.E., an international forum that promotes understanding of the global investment industry. For more information on R.I.S.E., see inside. Megatrends are large social, economic, or political changes that are slow to formhowever, once in place, their influence can last decades. Demographics are a type of megatrend, and even though these trends are somewhat easy to spot, few, if any, investors focus enough on demographic trends as they make their investment decisions. During his investment career, Dr. Bob Froehlich has had the opportunity to travel the globe. He has witnessed firsthand the evolving demographic changes taking place around the world. These unique demographic trends can create investment opportunities, if you understand the link between demographics and investments. There are hundreds of demographic trends developing around the world, and Investment Megatrends explains the dramatic power and influence of these demographic trends on the world of investments. From identifying four prominent global shifts to presenting the number-crunching behind the reasons for their existence, this book provides you with a map of the pitfalls and opportunities of demographic data, what to look for, and where. Froehlich offers practical investment strategies and ideas you can implement to benefit from these major demographic shifts: Global Shift #1: The Ponce de Leon Effect: Focusing on the American Baby Boomers Global Shift #2: The Walls Keep on Tumbling Down: Focusing on Eastern European Workers Global Shift #3: The Rising Sun Is Clearly Setting: Focusing on the Aging Japanese Population Global Shift #4: Napoleon Was Right: Focusing on the Chinese Consumer Generation Investment Megatrends concludes with a detailed discussion of how you can develop an Investment Megatrend Portfolio over the next ten years. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Investment Megatrends can help serious investors profittoday and tomorrowfrom some of the most important global demographic shifts of our lifetime. "The error-prone strategists and economists make the mistake of believing that the future will unfold just like the past. There are others, however, who have eyes to see the dust in the distance, ears to hear the hoof beats of the thundering herd, and the noses to smell the money to be made. One of those is Dr. Bob."Chicago Tribune
PRAISE FOR INVESTMENT MEGATRENDS "Bob speaks to our greater needs, not just our greater financial interests. It's what sets him apart. He's about a lot more than money, because with that fine mind beats an even finer heart."
—Neil Cavuto, Anchor, Fox News Channel "No one on Wall Street has done a better job of spotting investment trends than Dr. Bob?No one!"
—Lawrence Kudlow, Host of CNBC's Kudlow & Company "In a no-nonsense easy-to-understand style, Investment Megatrends steps back from the day-to-day mania of the markets, and explains how major shifts in our culture offer huge money-making opportunities. Dr. Bob is tops at showing the big picture to the small investor!"
—Brenda Buttner, Host, Bulls & Bears, Fox News Channel The author's proceeds from this book are being donated to R.I.S.E., an international forum that promotes understanding of the global investment industry. For more information on R.I.S.E., see inside. Megatrends are large social, economic, or political changes that are slow to formhowever, once in place, their influence can last decades. Demographics are a type of megatrend, and even though these trends are somewhat easy to spot, few, if any, investors focus enough on demographic trends as they make their investment decisions. During his investment career, Dr. Bob Froehlich has had the opportunity to travel the globe. He has witnessed firsthand the evolving demographic changes taking place around the world. These unique demographic trends can create investment opportunities, if you understand the link between demographics and investments. There are hundreds of demographic trends developing around the world, and Investment Megatrends explains the dramatic power and influence of these demographic trends on the world of investments. From identifying four prominent global shifts to presenting the number-crunching behind the reasons for their existence, this book provides you with a map of the pitfalls and opportunities of demographic data, what to look for, and where. Froehlich offers practical investment strategies and ideas you can implement to benefit from these major demographic shifts: Global Shift #1: The Ponce de Leon Effect: Focusing on the American Baby Boomers Global Shift #2: The Walls Keep on Tumbling Down: Focusing on Eastern European Workers Global Shift #3: The Rising Sun Is Clearly Setting: Focusing on the Aging Japanese Population Global Shift #4: Napoleon Was Right: Focusing on the Chinese Consumer Generation Investment Megatrends concludes with a detailed discussion of how you can develop an Investment Megatrend Portfolio over the next ten years. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Investment Megatrends can help serious investors profittoday and tomorrowfrom some of the most important global demographic shifts of our lifetime. "The error-prone strategists and economists make the mistake of believing that the future will unfold just like the past. There are others, however, who have eyes to see the dust in the distance, ears to hear the hoof beats of the thundering herd, and the noses to smell the money to be made. One of those is Dr. Bob."Chicago Tribune
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