Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品电子书下载地址
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- [epub 下载] Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 epub格式电子书
- [azw3 下载] Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 azw3格式电子书
- [pdf 下载] Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 pdf格式电子书
- [txt 下载] Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 txt格式电子书
- [mobi 下载] Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 mobi格式电子书
- [word 下载] Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 word格式电子书
- [kindle 下载] Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品 kindle格式电子书
Book De*ion
This book is all about those moments when we "know" something
without knowing why. Here Malcolm Gladwell. one of the world's most
original thinkers, explores the phenomenon of the "blink", showing
how a snap judgement can be far more effective than a cautious
decision. By trusting your instincts, he reveals, you'll never
think about thinking in the same way again....
Blink is about the first two seconds of looking--the decisive
glance that knows in an instant. Gladwell, the best-selling author
of The Tipping Point, campaigns for snap judgments and mind reading
with a gift for translating research into splendid storytelling.
Building his case with scenes from a marriage, heart attack triage,
speed dating, choking on the golf course, selling cars, and
military maneuvers, he persuades readers to think small and focus
on the meaning of "thin slices" of behavior. The key is to rely on
our "adaptive unconscious"--a 24/7 mental valet--that provides us
with instant and sophisticated information to warn of danger, read
a stranger, or react to a new idea.
Gladwell includes caveats about leaping to conclusions:
marketers can manipulate our first impressions, high arousal
moments make us "mind blind," focusing on the wrong cue leaves us
vulnerable to "the Warren Harding Effect" (i.e., voting for a
handsome but hapless president). In a provocative chapter that
exposes the "dark side of blink," he illuminates the failure of
rapid cognition in the tragic stakeout and murder of Amadou Diallo
in the Bronx. He underlines studies about autism, facial reading
and cardio uptick to urge training that enhances high-stakes
decision-making. In this brilliant, cage-rattling book, one can
only wish for a thicker slice of Gladwell's ideas about what Blink
Camp might look like.
--Barbara Mackoff
For Blink, Malcolm Gladwell, author of the bestselling The Tipping
Point explores the extraordinarily perceptive and deceptive power
of the sub-conscious mind. Gladwell’s major claim is that decisions
made very quickly can be every bit as good as a decision made
cautiously and deliberately. What we are actually doing is what
Gladwell calls ‘thin-slicing’. When we leap to a decision or have a
hunch our unconscious is sifting through the situation in front of
us looking for a pattern, throwing out the irrelevant information
and zeroing in on what really matters. Our unconscious mind is so
good at this that it often delivers a better answer than more
deliberate and protracted ways of thinking. Much of this is utterly
mysterious but some of the most astonishing and useful examples of
thin-slicing can be learned.
Gladwell hopes to convince us that our snap judgements and first
impressions can be educated and controlled so instead of merely
praising the mysterious process of instinct and intuition he is
interested in those moments when our instincts betray us, the
situations where our powers of rapid cognition can go awry, where
we fail to read the signs. Most disturbing of all is the degree to
which culturally determined preconceptions and prejudices control
us. Without reducing matters to racism and sexism Gladwell shows us
that there are facts about people’s appearance—their size or shape
or color or sex—that can trigger a very similar set of powerful
associations which explains why utter mediocrities (such as U.S.
President Warren Harding) can sometimes end up in positions of
enormous responsibility; or why tall people earn substantially more
than their shorter colleagues; or why car salesmen unconsciously
charge prices according to race and gender.
Gladwell’s conversational prose style is concise, informative,
accessible and entertaining. The stories, scientific findings and
psychological tests are consistently surprising whether he is
dealing with speed-dating, record promotions, police shoot-outs,
the human face, or the reasons doctors get sued.
--Larry Brown
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Best-selling author Gladwell (The Tipping Point)
has a dazzling ability to find commonality in disparate fields of
study. As he displays again in this entertaining and illuminating
look at how we make snap judgments—about people's intentions, the
authenticity of a work of art, even military strategy—he can parse
for general readers the intricacies of fascinating but little-known
fields like professional food tasting (why does Coke taste
different from Pepsi?). Gladwell's conclusion, after studying how
people make instant decisions in a wide range of fields from
psychology to police work, is that we can make better instant
judgments by training our mind and senses to focus on the most
relevant facts—and that less input (as long as it's the right
input) is better than more. Perhaps the most stunning example he
gives of this counterintuitive truth is the most expensive war game
ever conducted by the Pentagon, in which a wily marine officer,
playing "a rogue military commander" in the Persian Gulf and
unencumbered by hierarchy, bureaucracy and too much technology,
humiliated American forces whose chiefs were bogged down in
matrixes, systems for decision making and information overload. But
if one sets aside Gladwell's dazzle, some questions and apparent
inconsistencies emerge. If doctors are given an algorithm, or
formula, in which only four facts are needed to determine if a
patient is having a heart attack, is that really educating the
doctor's decision-making ability—or is it taking the decision out
of the doctor's hands altogether and handing it over to the
algorithm? Still, each case study is satisfying, and Gladwell
imparts his own evident pleasure in delving into a wide range of
fields and seeking an underlying truth.
From Booklist
Gladwell writes about subtle yet crucial behavioral phenomena with
lucidity and contagious enthusiasm. His first book, The Tipping
Point (2000), became a surprise best-seller. Here he brilliantly
illuminates an aspect of our mental lives that we utterly rely on
yet rarely analyze, namely our ability to make snap decisions or
quick judgments. Adept at bridging the gap between everyday
experience and cutting-edge science, Gladwell maps the "adaptive
unconscious," the facet of mind that enables us to determine things
in the blink of an eye. He then cites many intriguing examples,
such as art experts spontaneously recognizing forgeries; sports
prodigies; and psychologist John Gottman's uncanny ability to
divine the future of marriages by watching videos of couples in
conversation. Such feats are based on a form of rapid cognition
called "thin-slicing," during which our unconscious "draws
conclusions based on very narrow 'slices' of experience." But there
is a "dark side of blink," which Gladwell illuminates by analyzing
the many ways in which our instincts can be thwarted, and by
presenting fascinating, sometimes harrowing, accounts of skewed
market research, surprising war-game results, and emergency-room
diagnoses and police work gone tragically wrong. Unconscious
knowledge is not the proverbial light bulb, he observes, but rather
a flickering candle. Gladwell's groundbreaking explication of a key
aspect of human nature is enlightening, provocative, and great fun
to read.
Author, journalist, cultural commentator and intellectual
adventurer, Malcolm Gladwell was born in 1963 in England to a
Jamacian mother and an English mathematician father. He grew up in
Canada and graduated with a degree in history from the University
of Toronto in 1984. From 1987 to 1996, he was a reporter for the
Washington Post, first as a science writer and then as New York
City bureau chief. Since 1996, he has been a staff writer for the
New Yorker magazine. His curiosity and breadth of interests are
shown in New Yorker articles ranging over a wide array of subjects
including early childhood development and the flu, not to mention
hair dye, shopping and what it takes to be cool. His phenomenal
bestseller The Tipping Point captured the world's attention with
its theory that a curiosity small change can have unforeseen
effects, and the phrase has become part of our language, used by
writers, politicians and business people everywhere to describe
cultural trends and strange phenomena.
在线阅读地址:Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品在线阅读
在线听书地址:Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品在线收听
在线购买地址:Blink 眨眼之间:不假思索的决断力(又译:决断两秒间)誉为“21世纪的彼得德鲁克”的《纽约客》杂志专职作家Malcolm Gladwell(马尔科姆格拉德威尔)力作 当当5星级英文学习产品在线购买
Blink is about the first two seconds of looking--the decisive
glance that knows in an instant. Gladwell, the best-selling author
of The Tipping Point, campaigns for snap judgments and mind reading
with a gift for translating research into splendid storytelling.
Building his case with scenes from a marriage, heart attack triage,
speed dating, choking on the golf course, selling cars, and
military maneuvers, he persuades readers to think small and focus
on the meaning of "thin slices" of behavior. The key is to rely on
our "adaptive unconscious"--a 24/7 mental valet--that provides us
with instant and sophisticated information to warn of danger, read
a stranger, or react to a new idea.
Gladwell includes caveats about leaping to conclusions:
marketers can manipulate our first impressions, high arousal
moments make us "mind blind," focusing on the wrong cue leaves us
vulnerable to "the Warren Harding Effect" (i.e., voting for a
handsome but hapless president). In a provocative chapter that
exposes the "dark side of blink," he illuminates the failure of
rapid cognition in the tragic stakeout and murder of Amadou Diallo
in the Bronx. He underlines studies about autism, facial reading
and cardio uptick to urge training that enhances high-stakes
decision-making. In this brilliant, cage-rattling book, one can
only wish for a thicker slice of Gladwell's ideas about what Blink
Camp might look like.
--Barbara Mackoff
For Blink, Malcolm Gladwell, author of the bestselling The Tipping
Point explores the extraordinarily perceptive and deceptive power
of the sub-conscious mind. Gladwell’s major claim is that decisions
made very quickly can be every bit as good as a decision made
cautiously and deliberately. What we are actually doing is what
Gladwell calls ‘thin-slicing’. When we leap to a decision or have a
hunch our unconscious is sifting through the situation in front of
us looking for a pattern, throwing out the irrelevant information
and zeroing in on what really matters. Our unconscious mind is so
good at this that it often delivers a better answer than more
deliberate and protracted ways of thinking. Much of this is utterly
mysterious but some of the most astonishing and useful examples of
thin-slicing can be learned.
Gladwell hopes to convince us that our snap judgements and first
impressions can be educated and controlled so instead of merely
praising the mysterious process of instinct and intuition he is
interested in those moments when our instincts betray us, the
situations where our powers of rapid cognition can go awry, where
we fail to read the signs. Most disturbing of all is the degree to
which culturally determined preconceptions and prejudices control
us. Without reducing matters to racism and sexism Gladwell shows us
that there are facts about people’s appearance—their size or shape
or color or sex—that can trigger a very similar set of powerful
associations which explains why utter mediocrities (such as U.S.
President Warren Harding) can sometimes end up in positions of
enormous responsibility; or why tall people earn substantially more
than their shorter colleagues; or why car salesmen unconsciously
charge prices according to race and gender.
Gladwell’s conversational prose style is concise, informative,
accessible and entertaining. The stories, scientific findings and
psychological tests are consistently surprising whether he is
dealing with speed-dating, record promotions, police shoot-outs,
the human face, or the reasons doctors get sued.
--Larry Brown
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Best-selling author Gladwell (The Tipping Point)
has a dazzling ability to find commonality in disparate fields of
study. As he displays again in this entertaining and illuminating
look at how we make snap judgments—about people's intentions, the
authenticity of a work of art, even military strategy—he can parse
for general readers the intricacies of fascinating but little-known
fields like professional food tasting (why does Coke taste
different from Pepsi?). Gladwell's conclusion, after studying how
people make instant decisions in a wide range of fields from
psychology to police work, is that we can make better instant
judgments by training our mind and senses to focus on the most
relevant facts—and that less input (as long as it's the right
input) is better than more. Perhaps the most stunning example he
gives of this counterintuitive truth is the most expensive war game
ever conducted by the Pentagon, in which a wily marine officer,
playing "a rogue military commander" in the Persian Gulf and
unencumbered by hierarchy, bureaucracy and too much technology,
humiliated American forces whose chiefs were bogged down in
matrixes, systems for decision making and information overload. But
if one sets aside Gladwell's dazzle, some questions and apparent
inconsistencies emerge. If doctors are given an algorithm, or
formula, in which only four facts are needed to determine if a
patient is having a heart attack, is that really educating the
doctor's decision-making ability—or is it taking the decision out
of the doctor's hands altogether and handing it over to the
algorithm? Still, each case study is satisfying, and Gladwell
imparts his own evident pleasure in delving into a wide range of
fields and seeking an underlying truth.
From Booklist
Gladwell writes about subtle yet crucial behavioral phenomena with
lucidity and contagious enthusiasm. His first book, The Tipping
Point (2000), became a surprise best-seller. Here he brilliantly
illuminates an aspect of our mental lives that we utterly rely on
yet rarely analyze, namely our ability to make snap decisions or
quick judgments. Adept at bridging the gap between everyday
experience and cutting-edge science, Gladwell maps the "adaptive
unconscious," the facet of mind that enables us to determine things
in the blink of an eye. He then cites many intriguing examples,
such as art experts spontaneously recognizing forgeries; sports
prodigies; and psychologist John Gottman's uncanny ability to
divine the future of marriages by watching videos of couples in
conversation. Such feats are based on a form of rapid cognition
called "thin-slicing," during which our unconscious "draws
conclusions based on very narrow 'slices' of experience." But there
is a "dark side of blink," which Gladwell illuminates by analyzing
the many ways in which our instincts can be thwarted, and by
presenting fascinating, sometimes harrowing, accounts of skewed
market research, surprising war-game results, and emergency-room
diagnoses and police work gone tragically wrong. Unconscious
knowledge is not the proverbial light bulb, he observes, but rather
a flickering candle. Gladwell's groundbreaking explication of a key
aspect of human nature is enlightening, provocative, and great fun
to read.
Donna Seaman
Compelling EVENING STANDARD Astonishing DAILY MAIL Brilliant
OBSERVER For Blink, Malcolm Gladwell, author of the bestselling The
Tipping Point explores the extraordinarily perceptive and deceptive
power of the sub-conscious mind. Gladwell's major claim is that
decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good as a decis
Gladwell hopes to convince us that our snap judgements and first
impressions can be educated and controlled so instead of merely
praising the mysterious process of instinct and intuition he is
interested in those moments when our instincts betray us
Book Description
This book is all about those moments when we "know" something without knowing why. Here Malcolm Gladwell. one of the world's most original thinkers, explores the phenomenon of the "blink", showing how a snap judgement can be far more effective than a cautious decision. By trusting your instincts, he reveals, you'll never think about thinking in the same way again....
Blink is about the first two seconds of looking--the decisive glance that knows in an instant. Gladwell, the best-selling author of The Tipping Point, campaigns for snap judgments and mind reading with a gift for translating research into splendid storytelling. Building his case with scenes from a marriage, heart attack triage, speed dating, choking on the golf course, selling cars, and military maneuvers, he persuades readers to think small and focus on the meaning of "thin slices" of behavior. The key is to rely on our "adaptive unconscious"--a 24/7 mental valet--that provides us with instant and sophisticated information to warn of danger, read a stranger, or react to a new idea.
Gladwell includes caveats about leaping to conclusions: marketers can manipulate our first impressions, high arousal moments make us "mind blind," focusing on the wrong cue leaves us vulnerable to "the Warren Harding Effect" (i.e., voting for a handsome but hapless president). In a provocative chapter that exposes the "dark side of blink," he illuminates the failure of rapid cognition in the tragic stakeout and murder of Amadou Diallo in the Bronx. He underlines studies about autism, facial reading and cardio uptick to urge training that enhances high-stakes decision-making. In this brilliant, cage-rattling book, one can only wish for a thicker slice of Gladwell's ideas about what Blink Camp might look like.
--Barbara Mackoff
For Blink, Malcolm Gladwell, author of the bestselling The Tipping Point explores the extraordinarily perceptive and deceptive power of the sub-conscious mind. Gladwell’s major claim is that decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good as a decision made cautiously and deliberately. What we are actually doing is what Gladwell calls ‘thin-slicing’. When we leap to a decision or have a hunch our unconscious is sifting through the situation in front of us looking for a pattern, throwing out the irrelevant information and zeroing in on what really matters. Our unconscious mind is so good at this that it often delivers a better answer than more deliberate and protracted ways of thinking. Much of this is utterly mysterious but some of the most astonishing and useful examples of thin-slicing can be learned.
Gladwell hopes to convince us that our snap judgements and first impressions can be educated and controlled so instead of merely praising the mysterious process of instinct and intuition he is interested in those moments when our instincts betray us, the situations where our powers of rapid cognition can go awry, where we fail to read the signs. Most disturbing of all is the degree to which culturally determined preconceptions and prejudices control us. Without reducing matters to racism and sexism Gladwell shows us that there are facts about people’s appearance—their size or shape or color or sex—that can trigger a very similar set of powerful associations which explains why utter mediocrities (such as U.S. President Warren Harding) can sometimes end up in positions of enormous responsibility; or why tall people earn substantially more than their shorter colleagues; or why car salesmen unconsciously charge prices according to race and gender.
Gladwell’s conversational prose style is concise, informative, accessible and entertaining. The stories, scientific findings and psychological tests are consistently surprising whether he is dealing with speed-dating, record promotions, police shoot-outs, the human face, or the reasons doctors get sued.
--Larry Brown
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Best-selling author Gladwell (The Tipping Point) has a dazzling ability to find commonality in disparate fields of study. As he displays again in this entertaining and illuminating look at how we make snap judgments—about people's intentions, the authenticity of a work of art, even military strategy—he can parse for general readers the intricacies of fascinating but little-known fields like professional food tasting (why does Coke taste different from Pepsi?). Gladwell's conclusion, after studying how people make instant decisions in a wide range of fields from psychology to police work, is that we can make better instant judgments by training our mind and senses to focus on the most relevant facts—and that less input (as long as it's the right input) is better than more. Perhaps the most stunning example he gives of this counterintuitive truth is the most expensive war game ever conducted by the Pentagon, in which a wily marine officer, playing "a rogue military commander" in the Persian Gulf and unencumbered by hierarchy, bureaucracy and too much technology, humiliated American forces whose chiefs were bogged down in matrixes, systems for decision making and information overload. But if one sets aside Gladwell's dazzle, some questions and apparent inconsistencies emerge. If doctors are given an algorithm, or formula, in which only four facts are needed to determine if a patient is having a heart attack, is that really educating the doctor's decision-making ability—or is it taking the decision out of the doctor's hands altogether and handing it over to the algorithm? Still, each case study is satisfying, and Gladwell imparts his own evident pleasure in delving into a wide range of fields and seeking an underlying truth.
From Booklist
Gladwell writes about subtle yet crucial behavioral phenomena with lucidity and contagious enthusiasm. His first book, The Tipping Point (2000), became a surprise best-seller. Here he brilliantly illuminates an aspect of our mental lives that we utterly rely on yet rarely analyze, namely our ability to make snap decisions or quick judgments. Adept at bridging the gap between everyday experience and cutting-edge science, Gladwell maps the "adaptive unconscious," the facet of mind that enables us to determine things in the blink of an eye. He then cites many intriguing examples, such as art experts spontaneously recognizing forgeries; sports prodigies; and psychologist John Gottman's uncanny ability to divine the future of marriages by watching videos of couples in conversation. Such feats are based on a form of rapid cognition called "thin-slicing," during which our unconscious "draws conclusions based on very narrow 'slices' of experience." But there is a "dark side of blink," which Gladwell illuminates by analyzing the many ways in which our instincts can be thwarted, and by presenting fascinating, sometimes harrowing, accounts of skewed market research, surprising war-game results, and emergency-room diagnoses and police work gone tragically wrong. Unconscious knowledge is not the proverbial light bulb, he observes, but rather a flickering candle. Gladwell's groundbreaking explication of a key aspect of human nature is enlightening, provocative, and great fun to read.
Donna Seaman
Book Dimension
length: (cm)16.8 width:(cm)10.8
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