蛋白质网络与途径分析(导读版) 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

前言 v
撰稿人 ix
1. 用Linguamatics公司研发的I2E软件从发表的文献中挖掘蛋白质相互作用 3
Judith B and y,David Milward,and Sarah McQuay
2. 基因组规模实验中转录因子与DNA结合的相对亲和力、特异性和敏感度 15
Vladimir A.Kuznetsov
3. 抑制因子-靶标数据的管理:步骤和在途径分析上的作用 51
Sreenivas Devidas
4. 用功能蛋白质芯片描绘蛋白质相互作用网络 63
Dawn R.Mattoon and Barry Schweitzer
5. 蛋白质相互作用的手工注释 75
Svetlana Bureeva,Svetlana Zvereva,Valentin Romanov, and Tatiana Serebryiskaya
6. 基因集富集分析 99
Charles A.Tilford and NathanO.Siemers
7. PANTHER途径:一个整合了数据分析工具且基于本体的途径数据库 123
HuaiyuMi and PaulThomas
8. 采用网络分析优化排序影响途径的基因 141
9. 从多样的功能基因组数据中发掘生物学网络 157
Chad L.Myers,Camelia Chiriac, and Olga G.Troyanskaya
10. 在基于知识的集成平台上对组学数据及小分子化合物的函数分析 177
Yuri Nikolsky,Eugene Kirillov,Roman Zuev,Eugene Rakhmatulin, and Tatiana Nikolskaya
11. 动力学模型作为一种整合多层次动态实验数据的工具 197
Ekaterina Mogilevskaya,Natalia Bagrova,Tatiana Plyusnina,Nail Gizzatkulov,Eugeniy Metelkin,Ekaterina Goryacheva,Sergey Smirnov,Yuriy Kosinsky,Aleks and er Dorodnov,Kirill Peskov,Tatiana Karelina,Igor Goryanin, and OlegDemin
12. Cytoscape:用于网络建模的一个基于社区的框架 219
Sarah Killcoyne,Gregory W.Carter,Jennifer Smith,and John Boyle
13. 用语义数据集成和知识管理表示生物网络相关性 241
Sascha Losko and Klaus Heumann
14. 复杂的、多数据类型及多工具分析的解决方案:运用工作流程与流水线方法的 原则及应用 259
Robin E.J.Munro and YikeGuo
15. 高通量siRNA筛选结合化合物筛选作为一种干扰生物系统以及识别目标途径的方法 275
Jeff Kiefer,Hongwei H.Yin,QiangQ.Que, and Spyro Mousses
16. 用高密度等位基因关联数据进行途径和网络的分析 289
Ali Torkamani and Nicholas J.Schork
17. miRNAs:从生物起源到网络 303
Giuseppe Russo and Antonio Giordano
18. MetaMiner(CF):疾病导向的生物信息学分析环境 353
Jerry M.Wright,Yuri Nikolsky,Tatiana Serebryiskaya, and Diana R.Wetmore
19. 转化研究与生物医学信息学 369
Michael Liebman
20. ArrayTrack:一个美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)和公共基因组工具 379
Hong Fang,StephenC.Harris,Zhenjiang Su,Minjun Chen,Feng Qian,Leming Shi,RogerPerkins, and Weida Tong
索引 399
(高友鹤 尹剑锐 译)
Preface v
Contributors ix
1. Mining Protein–Protein Interactions from Published Literature Using Linguamatics I2E 3
Judith B and y,David Milward, and Sarah McQuay
2. Relative Avidity,Specificity, and Sensitivity of Transcription Factor–DNA Binding in Genome-Scale Experiments 15
Vladimir A. Kuznetsov
3. Curation of Inhibitor-Target Data:Process and Impact on Pathway Analysis 51
Sreenivas Devidas
4. Profiling Protein Interaction Networks with Functional Protein Microarrays 63
Dawn R. Mattoon and Barry Schweitzer
5. Manual Annotation of Protein Interactions 75
Svetlana Bureeva,Svetlana Zvereva,Valentin Romanov, and Tatiana Serebryiskaya
6. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis 99
Charles A. Tilford and Nathan O. Siemers
7. PANTHER Pathway:An Ontology-Based Pathway Database Coupled with Data Analysis Tools 123
Huaiyu Mi and Paul Thomas
8. Prioritizing Genes for Pathway Impact Using Network Analysis 141
Aaron N. Chang
9. Discovering Biological Networks from Diverse Functional Genomic Data 157
Chad L. Myers,Camelia Chiriac, and Olga G. Troyanskaya
10. Functional Analysis of OMICs Data and Small Molecule Compounds in an Integrated “Knowledge-Based” Platform 177
Yuri Nikolsky,Eugene Kirillov,Roman Zuev,Eugene Rakhmatulin, and Tatiana Nikolskaya
11. Kinetic Modeling as a Tool to Integrate Multilevel Dynamic Experimental Data 197
Ekaterina Mogilevskaya,Natalia Bagrova,Tatiana Plyusnina,Nail Gizzatkulov,Eugeniy Metelkin,Ekaterina Goryacheva,Sergey Smirnov,Yuriy Kosinsky,Aleks and er Dorodnov,Kirill Peskov,Tatiana Karelina,Igor Goryanin, and Oleg Demin
12. Cytoscape:A Community-Based Framework for Network Modeling 219
Sarah Killcoyne,Gregory W. Carter,Jennifer Smith, and John Boyle
13. Semantic Data Integration and Knowledge Management to Represent Biological Network Associations 241
Sascha Losko and Klaus Heumann
14. Solutions for Complex,Multi Data Type and Multi Tool Analysis:Principles and Applications of Using Workflow and Pipelining Methods 259
Robin E. J. Munro and Yike Guo
15. High-Throughput siRNA Screening as a Method of Perturbation of Biological Systems and Identification of Targeted Pathways Coupled with Compound Screening 275
Jeff Kiefer,Hongwei H. Yin,Qiang Q. Que, and Spyro Mousses
16. Pathway and Network Analysis with High-Density Allelic Association Data 289
Ali Torkamani and Nicholas J. Schork
17. miRNAs:From Biogenesis to Networks 303
Giuseppe Russo and Antonio Giordano
18. MetaMiner (CF):A Disease-Oriented Bioinformatics Analysis Environment 353
Jerry M. Wright,Yuri Nikolsky,Tatiana Serebryiskaya, and Diana R. Wetmore
19. Translational Research and Biomedical Informatics 369
Michael Liebman
20. ArrayTrack:An FDA and Public Genomic Tool 379
Hong Fang,Stephen C.Harris,Zhenjiang Su,Minjun Chen,Feng Qian,Leming Shi,Roger Perkins, and Weida Tong
Index 399
Chapter 1 Mining Protein–Protein Interactions from Published Literature Using Linguamatics I2E
Judith Bandy, David Milward, and Sarah McQuay
Natural language processing (NLP) technology can be used to rapidly extract protein–protein interactions from large collections of published literature. In this chapter we will work through a case study using MEDLINE1 biomedical abstracts (1) to find how a specific set of 50 genes interact with each other. We will show what steps are required to achieve this using the I2E software from Linguamatics.
To extract protein networks from the literature, there are two typical strategies. The first is to find pairs of proteins which are mentioned together in the same context, for example, the same sentence, with the assumption that textual proximity implies biological association. The second approach is to use precise linguistic patterns based on NLP to find specific relationships between proteins. This can reveal the direction of the relationship and its nature such as “phosphorylation” or “upregulation”. The I2E system uses a flexible text-mining approach, supporting both of these strategies, as well as hybrid strategies which fall between the two. In this chapter we show how multiple strategies can be combined to obtain highquality results.
Key words: Protein–protein interactions, text mining, natural language processing, NLP, knowledge discovery, information extraction, linguistics, literature, MEDLINE, Linguamatics, I2E.
1. Introduction
Making effective use of published information is imperative to inform scientific decision making and prioritize investment of time and money. Text mining provides automated methods that can dramatically increase the speed at which relevant information can be extracted from text. The use of natural language processing (NLP) for text mining exploits the linguistic structure of text to extract its meaning. The extracted information can be presented in a structured format for more easy analysis, added to a database, or combined with numeric data sources for statistical analysis.
Information search and extraction was previously the domain of the information specialist but new tools have made text mining, including NLP-based technologies, accessible to a wider pool of users from scientists to business analysts, with results delivered directly to network visualizers, spreadsheets, or reporting tools to support decision making.
Text mining is sometimes seen as an alternative to expensive, hand-curated databases for obtaining structured information in a particular area. In practice, however, organizations may well invest in both technologies, as the two approaches can be highly complementary. Text mining can contribute to a mixed strategy in a number of ways including:
1. To fill the gaps in existing databases. For example, to find relationships from a compound to a disease through interaction with a protein, a database of compound–protein interactions might be combined with relationships from proteins to diseases from text mining.
2. To add information from internal documents where hand curation of those documents can be prohibitively expensive.
3. To provide additional information to that identified by hand curation. Databases may be designed to include very comprehensive information from a set of the most relevant documents,but can miss information from the wider set of documents (3).
4. To provide extra context for information. When building a database, decisions are made a priori on the contextual information that will be recorded for each relationship. However, for a particular task, other contextual information may be of interest. Text mining can be used to find contextual information which was in the original text but not captured in the database, e.g., a binding constant or an experimental parameter.
5. To provide timely results directly from newly published documents (or news feeds).
NLP-based text mining using linguistics is now used in a large variety of applications within the life science domain, including detecting and examining gene–disease relationships, compound profiles, adverse events, patent information, market intelligence, etc. However, much of the early work was in the area of finding protein–protein interactions from the literature (e.g., (4, 5)). Within a single abstract, or even in a sentence, there can be a large number of proteins in a variety of different kinds of relationship. Looking for proteins that occur together in the same context cannot distinguish between, for example, “sisterhood relationships” such as A-Raf and B-Raf both being Raf proteins, or “interaction relationships” such as Raf interacting with Mek. The use of linguistic constructions ensures that the results are restricted to interaction relationships between the proteins of interest and determines the direction of the relationship, for exam
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