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》MATISSE电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9783836529044
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2016-7-27
  • 页数:96
  • 价格:GBP 10.00
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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About the book:

The work of Henri Matisse (1869 1954) reflects an ongoing belief in the power of brilliant colors and simple forms. Though famed in particular for his paintings, Matisse also worked with drawing, sculpture, lithography, stained glass, and collage, developing his unique cut-out medium when old age left him unable to stand and paint.

Matisse s subjects were often conventional: nudes, portraits, and figures in landscapes, Oriental scenes, and interior views, but in his handling of bold color and fluid draftsmanship, he secured his place as a 20th-century master. It was Matisse s palette that particularly thrilled the modern imagination. With vivid blue, amethyst purple, egg-yolk yellow, and many shades beyond he liberated his work from a meticulous representation of reality and sought instead a vital harmony, often referring to music as an inspiration or analogy for his work.

From vast patterned panels to simple and tender portraits, this book introduces the full reach and creativity of Matisse s career, spanning his early work within the Fauvism movement right through to his latter-year projects such as Jazz and the Chapelle du Rosaire in Vence.






About the series(Basic Art Series 2.0):

Basic Art was born back in 1985 with the very first original TASCHEN publication: Picasso. Since then, the series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published, offering succinct slimline artist introductions across 200 titles, translated into some 20 languages.

For its 30th anniversary, we have given this much-loved series a makeover: Basic Art 2.0, freshly designed, revised, and hardcover bound, but still with the same rock-bottom price tag!


1985年, Basic art系列的首部著作《毕加索》问世,开启了德国TASCHEN出版公司的艺术出版历程。此后的30余年中, Basic art系列始终坚持以简洁、精练的笔法勾勒艺术家们的世界,内容不断充裕,培养了众多忠实读者,成为多年居销量榜首的经典艺术书系。



P6 In Quest of Pure Colour 1869-1905

P18 Realism and Decoration 1906-1916

P50 The Intimacy of the Nice Period 1917-1929

P64 Beyond Spatial Limits 1930-1940

P76 Matisse's Second Life: An Art of grace 1941-1954

P92 Henri Matisse 1869-1954 Life and Work


Volkmar Essers, born in 1944, studied art history, archaeology, and German in Bonn, Munich, and Berlin. In 1972 he earned his doctorate with a work on the sculptor Johann Friedrich Drake. For many years, he has been the curator for the Art Collection of North Rhine-Westphalia, where he organized exhibitions of Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso, Max Ernst, Jackson Pollock, and other artists. Essers has also published numerous essays and books on art of the 19th and 20th centuries.

沃尔克马尔•埃塞斯,1944年出生,在波恩、慕尼黑和柏林学系艺术史、考古学和德语。1972年,他获得了雕塑家约翰•弗里德里希•德雷克(Johann Friedrich Drake)的博士学位。多年来,他一直是北莱茵威斯特伐利亚州艺术收藏馆的馆长,在那里他组织了保罗•克莱、巴勃罗•毕加索、马克斯•恩斯特、杰克逊•波洛克和其他艺术家的展览。埃塞斯还出版了许多关于19世纪和20世纪艺术的文章和书籍。










We feel the same tendency to expand the pictorial space in The Rumanian Blouse. We see a woman three-quarters turned to us, but her head is cut by the upper edge of the picture, and the centrifugal force that seems to inform the lines of her white blouse thrusts far beyond the limits of the painting. The patterning of the blouse lacks a focal point, the centre of the picture remains empty. How much more important, then, above this ballooning blouse, the woman’s bud-like head becomes! Though the colour gleams it remains as flat as the drawing: but what distinguishes the two elements is that the lines move expansively out while the colours have a confining effect. During 1940, Matisse took an embroidered Rumanian blouse as the central motif in other similar paintings, The Dream and Sleeping ...

亨利·马蒂斯(Henri Matisse)原本并未打算成为一名画家,正如他自己所言:“我是一名商人的儿子,本来是要子承父业的。”马蒂斯并不是一名天才,甚至不像巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)那样早慧。但他对色彩、光线和空间怀揣着充沛的热情,在艺术上厚积薄发,使其作品达到了无与伦比的和谐。

1869年12月31日,马蒂斯出生于法国东北部的勒卡托 - 康布雷西小镇。他的父亲名为埃米尔·马蒂斯(Émile Matisse),母亲是埃洛伊兹(Héloïse),娘家姓氏为热拉尔(Gérard)。马蒂斯的父母都来自小镇当地,他们居住在博安昂韦尔芒多瓦镇,在那里经营着一家杂货店,以出售种子和颜料为生。父亲掌管种子生意,母亲负责售卖颜料。

在他的家庭里,父亲的权威不容置疑,马蒂斯理应子承父业,但是马蒂斯的健康状况使这个计划付之东流。于是在1882年至1887年,年轻的马蒂斯到圣康坦的亨利·马丁全科中学学习,后到巴黎读了两年法律,在那里,他还考虑从事药学工作。1889 年,他在圣康坦成为一名法律助理。

马蒂斯最终成为职业画家的缘由不但出人意料,更可谓是一桩轶事。1890 年,马蒂斯因为阑尾炎不得不卧床将近一年,为了让他打发无聊的时间,母亲给他送去颜料和画笔。不过,马蒂斯一定在更早的时候就对绘画产生了强烈的兴趣。在律师事务所任职期间,他曾经参加了康坦·德拉图尔(Quentin de la Tour)基金会开办的绘画课程,该课程从上午7点至8点在费尔瓦克宫的阁楼进行,说是绘画课程,但培训内容实际上是窗帘图案设计。

马蒂斯迅速决定投身绘画之后,在1890年(或1891年初),他回到了巴黎,准备参加巴黎高等美术学院的入学考试,并以考入朱利安学院沙龙画家威廉·布格霍(William Bougereau)的班级为目标。1892年1月,布格霍向校方推荐了马蒂斯,但马蒂斯没有通过考试。马蒂斯到达巴黎后不久,还在装饰艺术学院上课,在那里结识了比他小三岁的阿尔伯特·马尔凯(Albert Marquet),志趣相投的二人随后成为彼此的一生挚友。他们最终于1895年3月正式被巴黎高等美术学院录取,均师从象征主义画家古斯塔夫·莫罗(Gustave Moreau),但早在 1893 年,他们就曾作为旁听生进入莫罗的工作室。



About the book:

The work of Henri Matisse (1869 1954) reflects an ongoing belief in the power of brilliant colors and simple forms. Though famed in particular for his paintings, Matisse also worked with drawing, sculpture, lithography, stained glass, and collage, developing his unique cut-out medium when old age left him unable to stand and paint.

Matisse s subjects were often conventional: nudes, portraits, and figures in landscapes, Oriental scenes, and interior views, but in his handling of bold color and fluid draftsmanship, he secured his place as a 20th-century master. It was Matisse s palette that particularly thrilled the modern imagination. With vivid blue, amethyst purple, egg-yolk yellow, and many shades beyond he liberated his work from a meticulous representation of reality and sought instead a vital harmony, often referring to music as an inspiration or analogy for his work.

From vast patterned panels to simple and tender portraits, this book introduces the full reach and creativity of Matisse s career, spanning his early work within the Fauvism movement right through to his latter-year projects such as Jazz and the Chapelle du Rosaire in Vence.






About the series(Basic Art Series 2.0):

Basic Art was born back in 1985 with the very first original TASCHEN publication: Picasso. Since then, the series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published, offering succinct slimline artist introductions across 200 titles, translated into some 20 languages.

For its 30th anniversary, we have given this much-loved series a makeover: Basic Art 2.0, freshly designed, revised, and hardcover bound, but still with the same rock-bottom price tag!


1985年, Basic art系列的首部著作《毕加索》问世,开启了德国TASCHEN出版公司的艺术出版历程。此后的30余年中, Basic art系列始终坚持以简洁、精练的笔法勾勒艺术家们的世界,内容不断充裕,培养了众多忠实读者,成为多年居销量榜首的经典艺术书系。



  • 故事情节:4分

  • 人物塑造:4分

  • 主题深度:7分

  • 文字风格:3分

  • 语言运用:3分

  • 文笔流畅:5分

  • 思想传递:8分

  • 知识深度:4分

  • 知识广度:3分

  • 实用性:8分

  • 章节划分:3分

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  • 新颖与独特:6分

  • 情感共鸣:9分

  • 引人入胜:9分

  • 现实相关:9分

  • 沉浸感:9分

  • 事实准确性:5分

  • 文化贡献:4分


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